
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We are going to Nepal!!!!

I had band aids plastered to both arms. 5 Shots and I could have gotten more!!! I thought I would need maybe two to ward of death, but 5!!  My one arm began to go numb and the other increasingly sore.  I for the first time felt like I was officially going to Nepal and the excitement set in...

...and I have no idea what to expect except an adventure.

I am used to trips where every moment of everyday is planned.  Free time- planned.  Relax on the beach the entire vacation- still planned. This trip...close to nothing is planned.  Don't worry we do have lodging.

So you are probably thinking...Cassie why would you have a problem with that?
I know I know... I am horrible at organizing...I do not have a day planner- I've tried and it makes me go nuts, and the only thing I really plan for in a day is breakfast lunch and dinner.  Oh and a midnight snack.  I am a girl that LOVES spontaneity and surprises.

So to answer your question... I don't have a problem with it what so ever! I am so excited!!

I do know that we are flying into Kathmandu.  I do know we are driving then into rural Nepal.  I do know that we are visiting an orphanage and a few villages!!!  and I do know that the first thing in my suitcase is my camera!

So get ready to be surprised right along with me for some amazing stories and many photos.

When are we leaving....Ahhh TWO days!!!  I am just bursting with excitement!

If you want to read about how we decided to go to Nepal and our stories prior to and following the can visit my husband's blog:

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