
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Loved | Cleveland Children's Photographer

He hid behind the front door as I walked inside.  It reminded me of how I hid behind my mothers dress as a little girl.  He giggled and then hid his face beneath the blankets.  I caught a glimpse of his eyes... simply stunning blues.
Meet his little brother...
he is surrounded by so much love
She whispers "shhh" and holds him close
he opens his eyes for her kisses
They are loved

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thrown into Fall

I was in 80 degree weather just days ago.  Today I am in slippers and three layers all bundled beneath a blanket sipping steaming tea.  The leaves are changing out my window and the market yesterday was flooded with apples and varieties of squash. I am trying to embrace it. 

In the process of moving, months ago, I never ordered our heat to be turned what do I do, I bake.
This whole wheat bread turned out to be absolutely delicious and very healthy.  The perfect food for my adventurous stomach that ate who knows what over the last 2 weeks in the villages of Nepal.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Drew Senior Session | Holland, MI Senior Photographer

I ran up the flight of stairs, barged into his bedroom, and began dragging him out of bed.
"Shower...Shave...Come on quickly!"
He looked at me lathargically, " Ummm hi?"
"Oh yeah, hi....let's go.  We are losing light! " I said as I paced back in forth across his room calculating like a nutty professor.
His eyes lulled shut and he became half responsive.
My ranting and raving finally pulled him out of bed.

(A little bit of background: It was 6:00pm Drew was tired from lifeguarding all day and I had just driven from Cleveland to Holland to take my brothers senior pictures.)

With a large large pile of clothes in hand & my camera we jumped into the jeep.
"Where are we going?" he asked.
"Umm..not so sure," I said as I just began to drive...

Meet Drew my younger brother.
I know good looking right? runs in the family!

Girls if you are interested his number is.....

Drew knows music better than anyone I know.  He is always singing...listening...playing...DJ--ing(?)
He always knows what songs are going to be radio hits months in advance.
My Family lives just moments from lake Michigan.  Drew and I took a long walk out to this private beach.  He loves the water.  Last time we talked he was swimming every morning...oh how I miss swimming in the morning.

He thinks I am hilarious...   :)
Drew always tells me he has hobbit feet.  You know like Frodo...  If he is right..then I have hobbit feet too.

Drew is an awesome guy to talk to.  He is honest, heart felt, and genuinely cares about your life.  Just don't get into a debate with will lose. 
Almost done,  I a grand finale jump!  I love his smile in these!

We walked off the beach as the sun set.  It was my favorite session by far...hanging out with my brother...laughing...talking...showing off our outrageous modeling skills to all of holland...mostly laughing.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We are going to Nepal!!!!

I had band aids plastered to both arms. 5 Shots and I could have gotten more!!! I thought I would need maybe two to ward of death, but 5!!  My one arm began to go numb and the other increasingly sore.  I for the first time felt like I was officially going to Nepal and the excitement set in...

...and I have no idea what to expect except an adventure.

I am used to trips where every moment of everyday is planned.  Free time- planned.  Relax on the beach the entire vacation- still planned. This trip...close to nothing is planned.  Don't worry we do have lodging.

So you are probably thinking...Cassie why would you have a problem with that?
I know I know... I am horrible at organizing...I do not have a day planner- I've tried and it makes me go nuts, and the only thing I really plan for in a day is breakfast lunch and dinner.  Oh and a midnight snack.  I am a girl that LOVES spontaneity and surprises.

So to answer your question... I don't have a problem with it what so ever! I am so excited!!

I do know that we are flying into Kathmandu.  I do know we are driving then into rural Nepal.  I do know that we are visiting an orphanage and a few villages!!!  and I do know that the first thing in my suitcase is my camera!

So get ready to be surprised right along with me for some amazing stories and many photos.

When are we leaving....Ahhh TWO days!!!  I am just bursting with excitement!

If you want to read about how we decided to go to Nepal and our stories prior to and following the can visit my husband's blog:

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sneak Peak of My Brother! | Cleveland Senior Photographer

We drove all over to town laughing. 
Just a taste to wet your appetite.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Eidson's at Home | Cleveland Family Photographer

It was the first day of school. I can remember my mom pulling out of the oven blueberry coffee cake mmmm... and setting it on the table.  That wonderful smell was altered drastically when my dog Cocoa ran under the table carrying the spray of a skunk. It's a memory that makes me smile and laugh. Bluebeery coffee cake has never tasted the same.  If only my mom caught on camera our crinkled up noses hiding beneath the sleeves of our shirts trying to find clean air.

This is the very reason Jessica called me.  She needed memories captured... quickly.  They were moving and their house just sold. The news was bitter sweet because they were leaving behind a home; their first home, where their little girl took her first steps.

My prayer is that these images and the ones to come will help make this transition a little easier.  
Shaya loves to help her mommy water the flowers
This family is beautiful in so many ways.  I felt honored to spend just an hour or two with them.
She loves to workout and play basketball with her daddy.  Check it out...she can dunk!

Absolutely stunning!
The love in this family overflows.  

"Shaya enjoys her sister so much, sometimes she hugs her a little too  In the mornings when they get up, there is nothing better than watching them smile at each other first thing in the morning." ~ Jessica
Thank you for inviting me to spend the day with you

Monday, September 6, 2010

Eidson Family Sneak Peak | Cleveland Family Photographer

More of this beautiful family to come!
Hope you are having a wonderful labor day weekend!
We have had a wonderful few days with family and friends- went to the Brown's game, the West Side Market ( how could we not!), Cleveland Art Museum, had Pizza twice, breakfast with friends, I learned how to play Spades (card game), beach volleyball and a movie, ate way too much food and chocolate chip cookies and now....relaxation

Friday, September 3, 2010

Leaves, Skateboards, and Licks of Love | Cleveland Children's Photographer

She grabbed a hold of the spindles and pulled herself into place.  Holding on she took one step two step...flop onto her bottom.  Together Mommy and Sissy clapped for joy!

Her brother wanted to wear his red skateboard shoes!  I couldn't believe it; 3 and skateboarding!  Check out his moves...

1..2...3! He rocketed himself up into the air.  Cowabunga!
We took adventures through the woods. Over the bridge where the Troll lived and up beyond the creek.
Peek a boo! Look at those beautiful blues.
Sissy is fascinated with leaves! So cute.
A little kiss on his sisters cheek turned into a big wet lick! He rolled with laughter...she wasn't fazed in the least.