
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wet Laundry

Laundry...yuck.  I wait till the end of the week or make it maybe two or three weeks to do laundry, which means I have two to three loads.  We don't have our own washer and dryer either.
This is our Laundry Jar which holds every valuable quarter we can find. It takes 6 quarters just to wash one load!

Now the washers- great.  The dryers...I think the laundry comes out just as wet as it went in sometimes, but with a hint of warmness.  So we protested to the dryers by doing it ourselves.  How hard could it be, people did this all the time back in the day?
Take a look at our apartment- three loads!
On the chairs under the chairs, on the bird cages, on the books....

...on the stove and the handles... teapot!!! I was running out of room.  We only have a two room apartment, but how was I going to clothesline the laundry in a city!

oops inside out socks...i hope they got clean

It took two days to dry wrinkly!    


  1. First of all, it is sad that the first pics I see of your apartment, have laundry all over! Second, you could string a clothesline up in the apt, you have high ceilings, it would be art!

  2. This is great! I love how you can take something as mundane and every-day as laundry and turn it into both a story and a great photo collage! it! I have to say, I have the same problem - my apartment complex has perfectly nice, working washers...and then you throw your clothes in the dryer, and after one cycle, they are warm and wet; after two cycles, they are very warm and damp; after three cycles, they're usually dry, unless the load is large or has jeans in it....and then you're still not done! Oh, it gets expensive!
