
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lollipops, Sisters...Snuggles, and Watermelon Tea (Cleveland, OH Children's Photographer)

Noelle was off to school.  She carried her brown paper lunch bag from the play room to the kitchen.  It was snack time and the treat was lollipops!  Blue Raspberry & Watermelon.
Vivian giggled and smiled.

Time for Recess....snuggling..jumping on the bed... & tea!


Back to school.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Strawberry Pie

Strawberries...mmmm...doesn't that just say SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER.

I have been craving strawberry pie for days...funny thing is I don't know if I have ever had strawberry pie!  But how can you go wrong with strawberries, a little sugar, and my mom's famous pie crust.  I had two problems though...  only 1 cup flour, no strawberries, no car, a really big bridge, and a bike that only functions on gear 7!!  But I really wanted strawberry pie.
Obviously, I made it to the store and back.  I don't know if it was the sack of flour, the messed up bike, or just the shear incline of the bridge, but I returned home soaked with an occasional wobble of the legs. Good news is the ice cream I had to have on top of the pie didn't melt in my back pack!

Funny note: A man in the elevator asked if I was the one who smelled so good.  I assured him it was not me as I wiped the sweat out of my eyes.  He asked again as we both sniffed in that delicious vanilla scent- you know the one I am talking about.  Once again I told him, " It is definitely not me."

Well, here it is ready for the oven!  

Mmm! I can smell it baking!  

I will let you know if it tops the workout to get the ingredients and the mess it left behind.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Two Boys Lives Forever Changed (Holland, MI Children's Photographer)

I was so blessed to photograph this family on Mother's Day.  It was Anna's first mother's day as the mom of these two little boys!

I can not do the story of how this family came to be here it is from the words of Anna.  May you be blessed, encouraged, and moved by their hearts...

On October 13, 2008, we became unsuspecting parents in Africa. We call it our "surprise" adoption - In many ways it was like a surprise pregnancy. While we were living as missionaries in Uganda, Micah landed in our arms after being abandoned on a bus. At the time he was malnourished and very near death. We had only been married 8 months and children were not yet on our horizon (or so we thought!) but it was clear that God was giving us an obvious and perfect opportunity to demonstrate His love to a vulnerable and sick little boy who needed it badly. More than just caring for him, we knew we were to give of ourselves, not just our time or money.
James 1:27 says, "Pure and undefiled religion is this: To look after widows & orphans in their distress and to keep oneself undefiled by the world." On the day Micah entered our world, we were confronted with the clear and direct call of God on our lives to care for an orphan. The choice before us was one of obedience and surrender to God's plan for our lives, or rejection of His call.

 By saying "Yes," from that moment onward we were forever changed.  

Shortly after we began our adoption journey to Micah, little Judah entered our world as well. We thought, "Why show Jesus to just one child and not two?" To us, bringing Judah into our family meant another little guy to love and to share life with. Another son! To Judah, it meant being rescued from an indefinite period of life in an institution. How could we dare say "no" to a family for him and by default say "yes" to him living life in an institution?

 After much paperwork, time, energy & investment, both boys arrived in Michigan to their forever home with us in November 2009. People regularly come up to us and say, "Those little guys sure are lucky!" But in all truthfulness, we are the "lucky" ones. We are blessed beyond imagination to be Micah & Judah's parents. We've been given a role to play in their story of redemption from illness, loss of parents, vulnerability, and abandonment...To a place of health, belonging, family, and love. We realize that tremendous mercy has been extended to us through Jesus, which causes us to worship Him by extending mercy to the little ones He has told His people to care for.

There are approximately 143 million orphans in this world, just like Micah & Judah once were. Statistically speaking, with 2 billion professing Christians in this world...If only 7% of Christians adopted, there would be no more orphans. The reality is, there are far more families able to adopt than those that actually do it. For those who cannot adopt, there are so many ways to support the adoption of children into loving families.
 Our lives are forever changed through the beauty of adoption. Yours could be, too!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Let's Dance Underneath the Sun (Cleveland, OH Senior Photographer)

Ice cream, a walk through the woods, and laughter. Family. Pure joy.  It was a wonderful afternoon.

Are these making you want some ice cream? I will take a um... cone with cookies and cream or maybe chocolate...yeah and topped with sprinkles and gummy worms....mmmm. Ice cream sounds good today, but on that day it was in the low 50's.  They were still all for ice cream...I passed as my hands were already freezing to my camera body

Don't you just want to be their friend!  You girls rock!!  I take no credit for her God given gift to look and pose like that!
and again!! America's next top model anybody.  I was switching some stuff up on my camera looked up and saw these girls giving some attitude and honestly I just snapped the picture!

Thanks girls for an awesome day!  Your outfits were crazy! You had no fear of getting dirty in that mud!  Your smiles were beautiful, but most of all it was your spirits.  

Monday, May 17, 2010

He likes his Cheeseburger

Matt and I went through college dating 844 miles apart!  That is a 14 hour drive! I hated and loved the airport. The airport was where I would run to him two times a year at Thanksgiving and Christmas dropping my bags and throwing myself into his arms.  And the airport is where I left him blurry eyed and drenched in tears.

It was the first time that I didn't have to mail him a package on his birthday in four years and I wanted to make it special.  He ordered mini hamburgers with an assortment of toppings and a carmel cake that his mom made him growing up.

Okay...burgers...I can definitely do that.  I found some mini rolls at Sam's club which I thought was such a steal- but we will be eating them for the next few months. I made guacamole, fried the bacon, cut the classic tomato, onion, lettuce, made horseradish sauce, bought the bbq, pepper jack cheese, cheddar cheese, american cheese, salsa, no mayo-doesn't like mayo.......

and we made these!!

Mine....pepper jack, mixture of bbq and horseradish, tomato lettuce and onion of course, and some bacon...Delicious

Now you are probably expecting to see a picture of the cake.  Honestly, I was so embarrassed I chose not to take one...but now am wishing I had for future laughs.  Matt's mom is amazing at making beautiful mouth watering cakes.  I mean I did not like cake before I tasted her chocolate ganache cake...and that cake is indescribably...looking for the word...just plain WOW!

I learned some lessons with cake last I made sure I carved off the hump on the top of the cake so I didn't have a cake slide ( last time it resulted in me hugging the cake trying to keep it together).  

So I carved the cakes flat and poured the carmel filling on layer one. Note to self for next time...just because it makes 2 cups of filling doesn't mean you need it all- extra carmel can be a disaster.  I placed the second layer of cake on top of the filling and quickly noticed a disaster in the making.  What did I do?  Stuck it in the fridge..carmel cools hard right?  and I barricaded the cake with the milk, the oj, and the previous nights dinner.  This just made everything sticky.  My carmel oozed everywhere and hardened. So I iced the caked.   It tasted soooo gooood, but looked like a third grade volcano project. However, my cake did not slide!!!! just oozed.

Matt came home.  The kitchen was a disaster, the cake was a disaster, and I was pretending to not be a disaster.  Taste is all that matters though...right? 

Friday, May 14, 2010

"There is much Beauty to Resurrect in the World" ( Cleveland, Oh Photographer)

Can I get 10...20...30 to the pretty lady in the white...40...50..60 to the gentleman with the funny glasses...

Yup, that's is AUCTION TIME!!!!

...and you could be the lucky bidder to WIN....

A 1 hour newborn/child/teen/family photo shoot with Cassandra Plummer!

wait there is more...

You will also receive a complete package of digital negatives!

and this is the best part of all!

Your donation will help feed children around the word whose families are living on less than a dollar a day.  It will help put an end to child labor and the sex trafficking of girls as young as 5 years old. It will give orphans a home where they are fed, clothed, given an education, and most of all loved.

(photography credits go to

I look at this little face and my heart breaks.  If it is in your heart to donate, to give hope please visit and click on the blue auction sticker (like the one above) located on the left hand menu.

The auction will run May 15-30th and there are many other items to bid on including one night stays at fabulous bed and breakfasts.

This is a great opportunity to give as a family.  Teach your children about how blessed they are and how they can help change the life of a child.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Little Payton (Cleveland, OH Baby Photographer)

Ten little fingers
and ten little toes

Oh, she makes me smile.

"When the sun has gone to bed and the moon has shown its head close your eyes... rest your head, rest your head... I'll sing you a lullaby" ~Yelka "Lullaby"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Consider it Joy...Pure Joy (Cleveland, OH Senior Photographer)

Eating ice cream on a day so cold my hands were going numb, outfit changes in Wendy's, walking through the mud, climbing into trees, and modeling amongst  pricker bushes... these girls rocked!

They made me laugh so hard that my cheeks hurt at the end of the day!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cookies, Tea, Jelly Bellies, and Fruit Snacks (Cleveland, OH Children's Photographer)

The flowers bloomed in excitement as they awaited the beautiful little girl.  The wind danced in a warm breeze, all was prepared.  Heart shaped cookies glazed with rose colored icing, strawberry gummies for tasting, jelly bellies wrapped in paper cups, and Endless Flavor Tea was brewed.

Accompanied by Nona, little Sofie  approached in a finely stitched lavender dress.  Her golden hair was  braided and her toes were dressed in pinks.

Such a little lady.

After tea Sofie read to Nona, Evander, Mommy, and me.  I have never heard such funny tales.

What a wonderful tea party we had!

oops this little prince found a cookie!